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CBNC and ACGME Nuclear Cardiology Physics 80-Hour Online Course

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Email for discounts and the lowest prices on our course access or purchase directly through the site PayPal link.  

Courses start at $ 375 for a single user and are as low as $325 for large groups, but we Price Match and you get a Free Echocardiography/PVI/US Physics board review course with every purchase. You also have unlimited access to the course until you pass your boards. This video will give you a quick idea of what to expect from our course.

High-Quality Course is designed as an 80 HR nuclear Cardiology Board to meet APCA/CBNC and Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements to train physicians who wish to become Authorized Users on the broad knowledge base necessary to meet the requirements of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission/Agreement States, to establish a quality-focused safety culture that benefits patients and to be able to effectively and safely diagnose and risk stratify patients in imaging and localization studies.

We offer the lowest prices for your CBNC APCA 80-Hour Course, which is designed to meet the requirements of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Agreement States on the didactic portion of the Training and Experience Requirements (US NRC 10 CFR 35.290).

All coursework has been CBNC-approved since 2008.

Course Registration

Just click on this link to create an account on our website and sign up for the course!
Certificates are emailed out upon completion of the coursework, with no waiting period after course completion. 

Course Applications

  • CBNC/ APCA Board application requirements.  To sit for the CBNC/APCA boards, you must complete an 80-hour Nuclear Cardiology Physics course, including Radiation Safety. Classroom and laboratory training needs to include an extensive review of radiation physics and instrumentation, radiation protection, mathematics about the use and measurement of radioactivity, the chemistry of byproduct material for medical use, radiation biology, and the effects of ionizing radiation, and radiopharmaceuticals. There should be a thorough review of regulations dealing with radiation safety for the use of radiopharmaceuticals and ionizing radiation. This experience should total a minimum of 80 hours and be documented.
  • ACGME Online Nuclear and Radiology courses are available - ask for details.
  • USNRC and most agreement states require an Authorized User to have at least 80 hours of classroom and laboratory physics training. 

  • Our students also have continued online access to use the course as a Nuclear Cardiology Physics study review for their CBNC board exam.  

  • All course material was updated in 2023 and is reviewed for updates annually.

  • Course Material - No webcams required. 

Selection of Nuclear Cardiology Imaging Tests 

  •  Radiopharmaceutical and dose (including knowledge of radiation biology, production, energy, half-life, radiation physics, and instrumentation)  
  •  Imaging protocol (stress/rest, rest/stress, stress only, viability, etc.)  
  •  Imaging modality (SPECT, PET )  
  •  Understanding the hazards of radiation and the need for ALARA Knowledge of principles of radiation physics (scatter, types of electromagnetic emissions, shielding, etc.) is important. 
  •  Radiation biology (absolute, equivalent, effective, units, etc.) 
  •  Biological effects on the body 

Performance of Nuclear Cardiology Imaging Tests (including Instrumentation, Protocols, and Processing) 

  • Administering radiopharmaceuticals 
  • Knowledge of the physics of imaging
  • Define acquisition parameters (positioning of the patient, etc.) 
  • Acquire images [with or without attenuation correction]
  • Performing SPECT, PET, SPECT/PET imaging 
  • Select optimal imaging protocol [PET vs SPECT] 
  • Process images (filtered back projection, iterative reconstruction, motion correction, etc.) 
  • Performing routine camera quality control processes (daily flood tests, center-of-rotation checks, etc.) 
  • Perform routine non-camera instrumentation quality control processes (survey meter calibration, dose calibrators, etc)
  • Mechanics of quality control processes (intrinsic/extrinsic floods, differing radiation detectors, differing dose calibrators, etc.)
  • Regulatory requirements for quality control: Ability to identify common abnormalities during quality control processes (photomultiplier tube out, center‐of‐rotation error, etc.)

Interpretation of Nuclear Cardiology Imaging Tests - this is clinical content - not part of 80 hr Nuclear Cardiology.

Radiation Safety and Management of Radiopharmaceuticals

  • Management of Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Perform daily surveys and wipes 
  • Ensure radiation safety (including knowledge of radiation biology and dosimetry) 
  • Respond to radiation emergencies (spillage, dose misadministration, generator malfunction, fire in nuclear lab, terrorism, etc.) and appropriate responses.
  • Respond to radiopharmaceutical misadministration.
  • Follow patient and occupational radiation safety protocols.
  • Manage the ordering, receiving, unpacking, and handling of radioactive materials safely and perform related radiation surveys.
  • Calculate, calibrate, and safely prepare radiation dosages (including generator elution, radiochemistry, mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity, quality control of radionuclide purity, etc.). 
  • Understand radiation physics and instrumentation.
  • Knowledge of regulatory requirements for radiation safety. 
  • Providing specific advice to patients after nuclear imaging (avoiding young people less than one year of age, pregnant women, advice slips for border‐control purposes, etc.).  
  • Knowledge of the upper limits of annual radiation exposure for patients and occupational workers and pregnancy limits and exposures.  

In addition - USNRC and Agreement State content material:
  • Physics and Instrumentation
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
  • Radiation Safety
  • Radiation Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Nuclear Cardiology Diagnostic Test and Procedures/Protocols
Detailed Laboratory Procedures Provided—All required laboratory material is provided for you to work with the Authorized User at your facility. We will work with you and the Authorized User to ensure you know exactly what is required to complete your laboratory training. Your Authorized User will sign off on the laboratory portion of your training, typically as part of your preceptor attestation letter.

Course Completion Certificates require: 

  • All course material was thoroughly reviewed
  • Seven case studies are completed with a score of 80% or higher
  • All quizzes and the final exam are to be completed with a score of 85% or higher
A course completion certificate will be issued upon completion of all course requirements.

Course Tuition

Unlimited access until you pass your boards. 

$375 for a single user, and courses are as low as $315 for large groups - We can also price match!  Group discounts are available. Contact us at or call/text us at 586-808-3058 for more information.  Email today for an invoice to pay by check or with a credit card. 

Course Registration

Just click on this link to create an account on our website and sign up for the course!


Medical Physics 80 hr Nuclear Cardiology Physics Flyer

Course Disclaimer:    We here at Medical Physics Training make every effort to produce excellence in your regulatory education.  When new guidelines or rules and regulations are updated, we will make every effort to update our courses as necessary in a timely manner.  Responsibility for regulatory compliances remains with the facility; therefore, we encourage you to routinely check all relevant regulatory agencies directly and regularly to ensure the latest updates for clinical and administrative guidelines that apply to your staff.  

Please report any concerns about patient safety or quality of care at your location to your accrediting organization.

The course developers and operators of this site assume no liability or responsibility for any injuries, illnesses, death, damages (either consequential, special, or incidental), or losses that arise from or are in connection with the use of these materials and information.

 Additionally, the developers and site operators do not represent these materials' timeliness, thoroughness, or accuracy.  By continuing with this course, you agree to indemnify the course developers and site operators against all claims and actions arising from using this material and the information provided on this site.

Last modified: Monday, 25 March 2024, 4:46 PM