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Welcome to the Ambulatory Surgery Center and Healthcare Regulation Training Series

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Improve your Ambulatory Surgical Center's learner experience with our 46 engaging presentations for both clinic and non-clinical staff. This collection of titles will train your staff on the most current standards of care, reducing risks and maintaining compliance. 

Elevate your competency program and prepare your workforce for high performance with Medical Physics Training's trusted education and training solutions for onboarding and annual competencies.

Our comprehensive and user-friendly access inspires confidence and develops competency so your staff can deliver the best care more effectively and efficiently than ever.  Management access is efficient and easy to review student progress. 

The price is $60 per user/365 days or $7.00 per individual course per user/45 days.   These 46 courses are updated regularly to meet compliance.    

Want a Free Pass to check out our site and see if our Program is for your Location?  Just Ask.

Email us your staff names and emails for each student to  We will sign up your students, send out welcome emails, and invoice you. 

                                                                                     Course details – with course outcomes are available here: Ambulatory Surgical Center Regulatory Compliance Course Syllabus 

One facility lead per site can have a 2-day FREE pass upon request to ensure this is the high-quality coursework they are interested in. Email our program Instructor, Laura Smith, directly at or call us directly at 1 (586) 808-3058.  


1.     Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center: Part 1 

2.     Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center: Part 2

3.     Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center: Part 3  

4.     Bloodborne Pathogens and Standard/Universal Precautions - OSHA

5.     Care of the Pediatric Patient

6.     Care of the Adult Patient

7.     Overview, Diagnosis, Treatment, Pathology, Epidemiology, and Prevention of HIV/AIDS

8.     Fire Prevention in Ambulatory Surgery Centers - OSHA

9.     Preventing Operating Room Fires in an Ambulatory Surgery Center

10.  General Safety Concerns for Workers in the Ambulatory Surgery Center - OSHA

11.  Use of Radiation in an Ambulatory Surgery Center   

12.  HIPAA Training for Ambulatory Surgery Center Professionals 

13.  Identifying and Assessing Domestic Abuse Victims for Ambulatory Surgery Center Professionals

14.  Latex Allergies

15.  Malignant Hyperthermia in your Ambulatory Surgery Center

16.  Monitoring Ambulatory Surgery Patients During Moderate Sedation/Analgesia

17.  Postoperative Pain Management for Ambulatory Surgery Center Patients 

18.  Prevention of Influenza in Ambulatory Surgery Centers

19.  Covid-19 Course

20.  Providing Culturally Competent Care in an ASC includes (Ethnic, LGBQT+, and Linguistics competence)

21.  Providing Safe Patient Handling, Lifting, and Movement in an Ambulatory Surgery Center

22.  Workplace Violence - OSHA

23.  Sexual Harassment in the Workplace 

24.  Compliance, Fraud & Misconduct Programs in Healthcare - HIPAA

25.  Hand Hygiene Compliance  

26.  Preventing Needlesticks and Sharps Basics in a Healthcare Setting - OSHA

27.  Infection Control in an Ambulatory Surgical Center - OSHA

28.  Understanding Antibiotic Resistance

29.  Basics of Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities

30.  Human Trafficking

31.  Medical Waste

32.  Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulated Medical Waste – This course is only due every 3 years

33.  Compressed Medical Gas Safety

34.  Emergency Preparedness and Action Plans - OSHA

35.  Medical Laser Safety

36.  Email Phishing, Ransomware, and Internet Security

37.  Patient Rights & Responsibilities, Informed Consent, and Advanced Directives

38.  Stress and Anxiety Management in Medical Facilities

39.  Sterile Processing

40.  CLIA POCT Urine Pregnancy Testing

41.  CLIA POCT Diabetic Testing

42.  Risk Management

43.  Safe Receiving and Storage of Frozen Surgical Specimens

44.  No Surprises Act Billing Disclosures

45.  Tuberculosis (TB) in Healthcare   

46.  Formaldehyde Safety  

Course Recommendations:

1.    Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center:  Part 1 – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Anyone admin medications. 

2.    Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center: Part 2   – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Anyone admin medications.  

3.    Administering Medications Safely in an Ambulatory Surgery Center:  Part 3 – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Anyone admin medications.  

4.    Bloodborne Pathogens and Standard Precautions (OSHA) – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff, pretty much all health professionals. 

5.    Care of the Pediatric Patient – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff, only those who work with pediatric, this would include admin or front desk staff as well. 

6.    Care of the Adult Patient – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff, and anyone who works with patients, this would include admin or front desk staff as well. 

7.    Overview, Diagnosis, Treatment, Epidemiology, and Prevention of HIV/AIDS – Course for all facility staff

8.    Fire Prevention in Ambulatory Surgery Centers (OSHA) – Course for all facility staff

9.    Preventing Operating Room Fires in an Ambulatory Surgery Center – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Staff present in facility medical procedure rooms/Operating areas.

10.  General Safety Concerns for Workers in the Ambulatory Surgery Center (OSHA) – Course for all facility staff

11.  Use of Radiation in an Ambulatory Surgery Center – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Staff present in the procedure rooms.  X-ray Tech must take this course.

12.  HIPAA Training for Ambulatory Surgery Center Professionals – Course for all facility staff

13.  Identifying and Assessing Domestic Abuse Victims for Ambulatory Surgery Center Professionals – Course for all facility staff

14.  Latex Allergies – Course for Nursing, allied health professionals, and All facility staff who work with patients. 

15.  Malignant Hyperthermia in your ASC – Course for Nursing, Allied Health Professionals, Hands-on patient care staff in the procedure rooms or recovery. 

16.  Monitoring Ambulatory Surgery Patients During Moderate Sedation/Analgesia – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Hands-on patient care staff in the procedure rooms or recovery. 

 17.  Postoperative Pain Management for Ambulatory Surgery Center Patients – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Hands-on patient care staff in the procedure rooms or recovery.

18.  Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Influenza in Ambulatory Surgery Centers – Course for all facility staff

19.  Covid-19 Bonus Course in the Influenza section – Course for all facility staff - many are considering this optional at this point. 

20.  Providing Culturally Competent Care in an ASC - includes (Ethnic, LGBTQ+, and Linguistics competence)  –  Course for all facility staff

21.  Providing Safe Patient Handling and Movement in an Ambulatory Surgery Center – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Hands-on patient care staff in the procedure rooms or recovery.

22.  Workplace Violence (OSHA) Course for all facility staff

23.  Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – Course for all facility staff

24.  Compliance, Fraud & Misconduct Programs in Healthcare – Course for all facility staff

25.  Hand Hygiene Compliance – Course for all facility staff (some sites just have #27 as this replacement)

26.  Preventing Needlesticks and Sharps Basics in a Healthcare Setting (OSHA) – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, and Hands-on patient care staff who work with or around sharps. 

27.  Infection Control in an Ambulatory Surgical Center (OSHA) – Course for all facility staff

28.  Understanding Antibiotic Resistance – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff

29.  Basics of Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff - also including Sterile processing staff. 

30.  Human Trafficking – Course for all facility staff

31.  Medical Waste – A site-specific decision course, this is often for groups from nurses to janitors. 

32.  Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulated Medical Waste – This course is specific to all employees who are involved in the shipment of hazardous materials and should receive initial Security Awareness and in-depth training as well as refresher training (only required every three years) as part of our regular DOT hazardous materials training as required by 49 CFR 172.700

33.  Compressed Medical Gas Safety – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff, and anyone who helps with Medical Gases

34.  Emergency Preparedness and Action Plans (OSHA) – Course for all facility staff

35.  Medical Laser Safety – Course for all staff who work with or around Medical Lasers.  Does not qualify alone as Laser Safety Officer training

36.  Email, Phishing, Ransomware, and Internet Security —Course for all facility staff—This is a hot topic right now. 

37.  Patient's Rights and Responsibilities – Course for all facility staff

38.  Stress and Anxiety Management in Medical Facilities – Course for all facility staff -optional

39.  Sterile Processing – Course for Nursing, Allied health professionals, Hands-on patient care staff, and those who work in Sterile Processing

40.  CLIA POCT Urine Pregnancy Testing - Course for all staff who perform urine pregnancy tests

41.  CLIA POCT Diabetic Testing - Course for all staff who perform diabetic tests

42.  Risk Management - Course for all facility staff (perhaps once every two years). 

43.  Safe Receiving and Storage of Frozen Surgical Specimens - Course for staff who perform frozen surgical specimen work

44.  No Surprises Act Billing Disclosures - Course for all facility staff

45.  Tuberculosis in Healthcare - Course for all facility staff

46.  Formaldehyde Safety - Course for staff who work with formaldehyde

Coming soon # 47 Elder Care and Abuse

Copyright: (c) 2019; 2024 Medical Physics Training, LLC

Additional Course Information

If you are interested in this program and would like additional information, please get in touch with

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Course Disclaimer:  We here at Medical Physics Training make every effort to produce excellence in your regulatory education.  When new guidelines or rules and regulations are updated, we will make every effort to timely update our courses, as necessary. Responsibility for regulatory compliances remains with the Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) therefore we encourage you to routinely check all relevant regulatory agencies directly and regularly to ensure the latest updates for clinical and administrative guidelines that apply to your ASC staff.

Please report any concerns you have about patient safety or quality of care at your location to your accrediting organization.

The course developers and operators of this site assume no liability or responsibility for any injuries, illnesses, or death; damages (either consequential, special, or incidental), or losses that arise from or are in connection to the use of these materials and information.

 Additionally, the developers and site operators make no representation of the timeliness, thoroughness, or accuracy of these materials. By continuing with this course, you agree to indemnify the course developers and site operators against all claims and actions that arise from the use of this material and the information provided on this site.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 September 2024, 2:21 AM